Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Handmade at home-Violet's

I have finished and delivered some lovely bunting to a friend Sophie who has just opened up a tea room in the next village.  The tea room is called violet's and it is inside the old post office, you can find out more at Violet's tea rooms at it's very own Facebook page.

I was so lucky to find vintage fabric that matched the decor so well, and a perfect sunny day to photograph it too.

I was hoping to use these colours for bunting to go in my kitchen but just had another commission so lets hope there is some left for me.


Creating Trouble said...

Lovely! I keep meaning to make some bunting for my craft stall - when I finally get my act together and make enough to actually hold a stall that is. Gorgeous fabric - I might be coming to you for tips!

amooma loves vintage said...

Jooles have you ever had violet ice cream it is delicious, I am really into using violet in my cooking and drinking at the moment cannot get enough!

Creating Trouble I too would love to do a craft fair but its hard finding the right one.

patchworkandlace said...

lovely pretty bunting the colours are gorgeous , i love bunting