Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Handmade at home - Re-opening my Etsy shop!

It has been quite a while since I had anything in my shop on Etsy, (or posted to my blog) but I have started to list new items in the shop. (and have a new focus for my blog)

With spring in full swing It is time to get the bunting out, so that is what I have been busy making, lots of bunting, not any old bunting, this is very special, as it is not only handmade by me in Cornwall, the bunting is made from vintage fabric.

The bunting above is made from material from two vintage duvet covers. The orange one is from the 1970s' and was sold by St Michael known today as Marks and Spencer. The other was raided from my mother-in-laws laundry cupboard (she did say it was ok) and is well over 30 years old, for the age of the material it is in amazing condition. I have lots more to make and post so will keep you updated of new items.

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