At least he took them away to feed his cubs. He was kind to leave us with our Araucana cockerel Woody and the mini cockerel Little Roo.
Good news follows bad-we have got new hens. We found this lovely place on the Internet that is about and hour’s drive away, where he had just what we wanted.
We left with three Speckled Marans, then two weeks later picked up three Araucana for Woody to play with. The Marans have not been to kind to the little Araucana.
I suppose this is the way of the chicken, the same as the instinct of the fox. We are now waiting for them to lay some eggs. I cannot wait to start baking again; my cake tins have been very light of late. I have also got some very good friends coming over and was hoping to give them some eggy brioche and crispy bacon with lashings off maple syrup. Yum! I have also been very busy crafting which I hope to tell you about later this week.